Tuesday, 30 August 2016

Incredible story of YOU

Wow! What should I say? I am actually overwhelmed to share something beautiful about a video that I watched this morning. “Momondo: The DNA Journey!” The video which reveals who we really are? Okay, it will be handy if I give a short intro on what it is! We all have been hearing a lot of questions related to us like what’s your name, where’s your home town, etc… Every stranger who meets us keep asking the same question and we keep on giving the same answer because the answer is just one whenever asked! Now let’s go a little broader. Here’s a short story between two men.
Your nationality? : Of course I am an Indian. Didn’t you make out with my attire, texture, and race!!  I am proud of it!
Do you really hate Pakistan? Pakistan is beautiful, right? : Oh, not exactly, in fact, they are something less than us! So many conflicts….
Do you think India is beautiful? : Don’t dare to doubt it! India is rich in its unity and diversity. No one can beat us in that! Jai Hind!
Should I ask about your religion? : Oh, why not? I am proud to say that I am a Hindu Brahmin! Purest of all! We have a special recognition in the society!
Great can you just spit in this tube? : Spit? For what?
Just to make you cry. Please? : ………………………………….
Two weeks later the two men met. One who asked the other to spit in a tube had a report on it showing that the Hindu Brahmin actually originated from a Pakistani ! I mean, long back, years and years ago, his ancestry belonged to Pakistan. Shocked for two minutes he just ignored the reports with great regret and agony. He shouted “Don’t dare to ask who I am again.”
Silence prevailed for a long time…..
 “Who really, are you?” repeated the man and just walked away. To his surprise he started smiling and murmured "Am i a bit pakistani ??" The agony drowned deep in heart and continued smiling!
So that’s how it goes…What we are is the 50 % of our dad and 50% of our mom and what they are is the same…So it goes back , back and back. The little bits of our ancestors make us! Now, would you dare to question who you really are? We really don’t know that because we hardly know our Great great grandfathers’ name. Honestly, I don’t know my Great great grandfathers’ name. We have not taken any effort to find it because we feel that’s unnecessary. It is! But a person who loves themselves, who loves people, country, world, who wants to take a retrospect, may have to know that! I may have several cousins around me whom I never know and whom I have never met. My DNA takes me back a long way to find where I really came from… To my surprise, I may be a quarter Pakistani, a half Bengali, or a bit of Turkish, Kurdish, Japanese, Eastern European or even British!
I was actually too excited and surprised to see almost 67 people realizing who they really are. The DNA proved that a British man who hated Germans is actually a German by race. It showed a Korean was actually a Kurdish by race. Their joy new no bounds!
We all have more in common than we think. There’s no big deal in this that we all know that lives have originated from a single life. But just think over it. We take rights on our family with a few members. We never smile at strangers who might be our cousins by race. We never knew that we all are by some or the other way ONE! 
Why do we have to travel because we never know what we are, all we can do is explore the world intrepidly to see our anonymous cousins all over, see the anonymous places where our ancestors lived, to see how I reached here before this PC to write about a mystery! 
 So it’s not I love India but I love this world! India is beautiful, so is the World!
Here, I realize that an open world begins with an open mind.

(This is a sudden write up from an inspirational video: Momon do : The DNA Journey. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fw7FhU-G1_Q)


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