Wednesday 3 February 2016

My asset!

The other day I just came across a beautiful quote. The lines go by: “Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art.... It has no survival value; rather it is one of those things which give value to survival.” Though they were just a passing passage, later, many incidents came proving it to be. Right from the childhood, I had enough and more friends irrespective of caste, culture, age and creed. Friends have always left over many incidents to laugh at. The one who protected me in my earlier classes, one who scribbled all my paintings on the notice board, one who poured water into my dress, one who shared naughty and giggly things, one who danced with me, one who considered me as a sister, one who took over my breath, one who cared me so much, one who betrayed me, one who tried to possess me, one who was beside my thoughts, one who praised me. The list goes on. They are of different ages. Some friendship moves on with just a smile. 

Days go by, taking its twist and turns and one day comes when we realize ‘Yeah..It’s time to get a dip in a pool!’ But….pool of what? I prefer a pool of friendship! Rings on the phone comes and goes, some beeps, some switched off, some call waiting’s, some not reachable…Still, we keep trying until all the strings get into harmony! We plan, and many of them take the initiative to reach out because they too might need a dip desperately. We meet, our eyes gobble up in excitement. We share things; the various emotions will take their onset mark to move on…we witness the days and the nights, we find the beauty in it, we laugh, we complain, we hug, we kiss, we feel it’s the top of the world, our emotions stands still for some beautiful clicks; we completely dip ourselves in the pool of friendship!!. At last, when it comes the time of separation, a soothing pain sways over, feeling proud that we still keep the pool of friendship so clearly that we whole heartedly, believingly dip ourselves into each time it happens. Isn’t that enough for us to move for the next race? Apace the life gets ready for the next twists and turns. We wouldn’t go down in any phase of life because there is a pool waiting to drown with our chokes and then rise with a deep breath. Where are the hardships we found then? It has not gone but it has hidden somewhere inside for us to tackle it ASAP…The pool is only a key to toss up our hardships!

What more can we expect from the so called ‘friendship’? Isn’t friendship, Beautiful?

                        `                                                                                               happysusu J

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