Friday, 2 August 2019

Our “wombed” season………….

My craving towards kids is a windy story. Right from the age of 12, kids were part of me, mostly all the nephews and nieces. I was officially tagged as the most deserving pampering nurse of the family.

Touching the pink little fingers at shopping malls and public premises gave a notion of happiness always. I would try kissing them if situation permits, despite of who they are and what they are! I found happiness in lying to unknown shopkeepers if they asks “Is this your baby?”

Time is just taking its flight! And now it’s my season! Our season. Our “wombed season”!

I am not sure about penning down this “now” because everybody are usually tensed until we get a cry in hand! I do not ignore the same in my case but I feel like doing this. Because these are small things I treasure, no matter what happens in future. This moment makes us happy! I could probably make my champ read this when time again takes its flight forward!

…… 5.30 A.M! Alarm, the most perfect worker of all times, continuously screeched near our ears.. I lay down for another ten minutes consoling my mind!  That day I had to wear a saree to school. Kannan helped me to drape it. Unlike the other days, immense laziness and weakness took control over me. I started sweating all through my body. Without taking this response from my body into consideration, we moved on to school. The Verandas seemed so dull and out of seconds, I almost fainted my way out to the class. Immediately my colleagues arranged a vehicle and informed Kannan. We rushed to the hospital and then to home. A normal tiring day, said the doctor. He said to check “pregnancy” after one week!

Excitement? No. Anxiety? No. we were emotionless as I was too tired to make out what I really felt like. We decided to get a pregnancy kit when we came to our normal track. The tempo of our heart beat rhythmed a little faster. I was quiet hesitant to watch the kit turning red, out of anxiety. Then, pushing all the confusions out of the frame, the two pink lines appeared!

“Are we pregnant?” Yes we were! 31 March 2019, made the most loved day!
Rest goes into the private emotional frames that every familiar couples would have gone through….
I wanted to let know my friends and family this and I chose to make a random painting which took just 10 minutes to make the scratch! I painted a lady with a garden bloomed in her stomach. Many of them recognized my intension….My first painting out of immense happiness….
Our “wombed” season starts here…

I knew all about pregnancy and stuffs, I guessed… But when it happened to me, I literally did not know how to start with or what to do. I was acting little weird for the first few days. It took another few days to realize that I carry an extra rhythm of life within.

Priorities, routines, likes, dislikes, tastes, emotions and our body….everything changed overnight!
For first three months, it was quite difficult for me to adjust the situation. Though I really wanted to experience it happily, severe vomits and dizziness made less chance for it. Heavy mood swings made embarrassing moments!

That day when we saw our heartbeat for the first time during scanning, our happiness knew no bounds. To be precise, we were expressionless! We diagnosed the report all through the late night, “though the size of our baby was just a tiny dot”!

One day, when I imagined how baby would be forming, how the baby look like in future and what might the baby doing right then, I decided to paint! I painted our baby in a canvas, sleeping in a meadow, surrounded with green and clouds. Resting, calmly and the nature caressing her. That was the first image I got when I shut my eyes to make a frame! It is indeed special to me, always.

Day passed by, and my body started showing off the existence of the baby in me. I switched on to Kannan’s t shirt all the time when I was at home. On June 15, during a morning, while I was rushing around the kitchen, something tickled within. It was new to me! I remember I would eagerly touch all the bellies of my sisters, friends etc just to feel a movement and I would go crazy when I get one by chance. From all the bellies of my surroundings, I believe!
 But this is happening to ME now!!!

 I felt a hiccup feeling inside my belly for the first time. For next 10 seconds it continued and I wondered my baby started moving inside!!!
That was the moment that put a start to a “movement season”. Then, day by day, I would wait for that little tickling.

Responding to our actions seemed quiet magical to me, every time…
One day, I was in class X where students almost peeled my head out of mischief acts. I took my maximum sound to make them calm and continue the lesson but they kept on irritating. At a point, I calmed down and moved straight to the most arrogant one and left a fine slap on his back. All were suddenly quiet! The class became calm, baby realized that something had happened outside. The baby kicked a little harder towards my lower stomach. That was the first fine so called “KICK” I felt. Instantly, after the kick, I started smiling, though the students were quiet shocked for some time!
The next most interesting responding time is between 9 pm to 10 pm when the baby hears the sound of Kannan. He calls, sings and make weird sounds to wake up the baby and later slowly baby starts responding for next few minutes…leaving a great relief that he/she is safe at the end of this day!
So that is the routine for now. Each day is a relief!

Yay!! I am half way now!!
On July 20, was our first detailed check up to see all the baby parts in detail. When I lay down on the scanning bed, Kannan wasted no wink from the scanning monitor. Doctor diagnosed each part and I saw Kannan smiling with wet eyes. Unfortunately I couldn’t see this myself in “live”. The reports of detailed face, tiny legs and hands made our day. The baby was comfortably lying with the hands right upon the head….How advanced and magical, great gods!

It’s all wonder even if we think about it a thousand times over and over….how creatively and interestingly it has been designed. How perfect and content and how happily and peaceful. Yes, it is right that these “wombed season” will surely teach us many things.

We are happy even if we deliberately avoid the most favorite foods, happy to be restricted, when we start thinking twice for each and every actions, when we sleep in the most uncomfortable position at nights, still happily. Kannan without delay of seconds would wake up when I take my difficult turns during the sleep. It wondered me because earlier the case was not the same! I had to enter his ears to wake him up!! Changes are great, sometimes!!

Our routine changes, our talk’s changes. May be that be the reason we say “wombed season” puts you in a different pace of life where we start thinking of the little heart always , in parallel beautifying the existing lifestyle!

Small things always makes me happy! Though these are all normal happenings of this world, it is the most special moments in every “wombed season” of every mothers and mother to be!! We cherish it equally! I thought of my beloved sisters who took immense effort during this stage, my beloved friends who shared their experience each time during this stage  Once inside, are now waiting for the new arrivals, lovingly!!

Our “wombed season” continues...

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